Never too late…
“If 67 years young can do it, you can do it, too.” —Aleksander Doba A huge congrats and a stinging high five to, Aleksander Doba, who received the mega honor of earning the most votes for the National Geographic People’s choice award, making him the official NG Adventurer of the Year 2014. I was […]

National Geographic Adventurer of the Year??!!
I’ve been nominated for National Geographic’s Adventurer of the Year!
You can vote for your favorite everyday until January 31st!
Thank you for the support that helped me earn it!

Solidarity and the Sisterhood: United we rise
“Seriously???” Was the only word out of the police officer’s mouth as she leaned in to the driver side window of Anna’s 91′ Nissan truck “Charlie”. I cringed and sunk low in the passenger seat. It was my fault. Rules had slipped my mind… In the height of our sunny day joyride to […]

Eating for Earth!
Mother Earth fills our bellies everyday, so in her honor I’ve decided to write about ‘food’ for Earth Day. We eat three times a day, everyday… so our food choices have a huge impact on our health and, simultaneously, the health of the planet. This topic is especially exciting for me, as I have tried […]
Live your Dreams, Heal the world: Why doing what you love makes the world better…
“Passion is the love of turning being into action. It fuels the engine of creation. It changes concepts to experience…. Never deny passion, for that is to deny Who You Are, and Who You Truly Want To Be.” –Neale Donald Walsch Wishing you all a peaceful, love-filled, and joyful holidays!! …I’ve been thinking about writing […]
Lesson in Love: fear and expectations kill the cupid
We’ve all found ourselves in a situation that we know isn’t right for us, but for one reason or another, we resist change. Our innate knowing of what is best taps patiently at the door of our stubborn minds, but sometimes we are so intent on a certain desired outcome, that we refuse to hear […]
Forgiveness is Freedom
Early last May around 2pm, Swell sat at anchor over my favorite sand bank in Tahiti after arriving the following evening from a year-long, 2,600 mile loop through the outer islands of French Polynesia. I was tucked in at my little desk in Swell’s cabin talking to my father on the phone… “I’m so proud […]
Bring on the ‘feeling’: boatyards and expanding compassion
Our human compassion binds us to one another–not in pity or patronizingly, but as human beings who have learnt how to turn our common suffering into hope for the future.” –Nelson Mandela I’m sitting on the bow of Swell in the yard. It’s 3pm and the sun’s heat is irritatingly persistent. Since my return from […]