Love Letter to the Ocean
Dear Ocean, Your sparkling afternoon smile is one of my earliest memories. Remember how I would sit up on the bow of our family sailboat, legs dangling over the side, just staring out at you underway? Your immensity, the mystique of your movements, your ever changing surface, the chance to catch a […]

Land-Lubbing, Do-Gooding, & Dirt-Dabbling
It’s been a while since I wrote a personal update. It’s taken me a long time to process all my feelings surrounding this big life transition from more than a decade as a permanently nomadic sailor, to a land-lubber living on a small island in the South Pacific … It’s no surprise that after […]

Swell Posters for a Good Cause
Swell Posters for a Good Cause: Limited Edition, Signed Photo Posters! In an effort to raise funds for my non-profit here in the South Pacific, A Ti’a Matairea, I’ve printed & signed some limited edition, fine art posters. They are 20″ by 16″ and ready to add some dream-chasing inspiration to any wall in your […]

VOTE 2020!!
Has there ever been more riding on one election? Climate change and the fate of our planet, police reform and systemic racism, environmental protections for our air, water, and oceans, female reproductive decisions, protecting public lands, the pandemic and the economic downturn that has come with it, the integrity of our democracy, and SO. […]

Swell’s Book Trailer: 4 Minutes from Life at Sea
In case you didn’t get to see it at one of the book tour events, here’s a look at the short film from Patagonia Books, made by Chris Malloy and Kellen Keene, as a trailer for the book. I love how it turned out! It’s making was an adventure in itself! Thank you Chris & […]

SWELL-ing!! Accolades & the Story of the Cover Photo.
The out-pour of love for my book, Swell, has my heart soaring! After giving everything I had into sharing my story with the world, it’s been so rewarding to receive all the wonderful positive feedback via messages, emails, comments, and awards since it’s release. Swell sold out of it’s first round of printing in less […]

Swell Book Release & Tour!
It’s here!! I received my first copy of my book! It feels pretty wild to hold the culmination of a lifetime of dream-chasing and three plus years of writing in my hands. I’m proud of the manuscript, but the way it came together artistically just blows me away! I can’t give enough praises to my […]

So Hard to Say Goodbye
As many of you already know, I lost my dear ‘furst’ mate & feline soulmate, Amelia aka Tropicat, on the first day of the year. She was attacked by a dog two days earlier, and didn’t survive the wounds. It’s been almost two months now, and I still miss her every day. The grief […]

Steer With Your Heart: Film Release!
Today, I’m super excited to share a short film that came about through the love and encouragement of dear friends. My surf buddy and filmmaker friend, Teva Perrone, was the stimulus behind it. He spent hours editing and fixing my amateur footage, and pushing me to keep working on it despite my juggling the book […]