Live your Dreams, Heal the world: Why doing what you love makes the world better…

After years of dreaming to succeed as a captain in search of remote waves, I had to pinch myself in moments like these. Panama 2007
“Passion is the love of turning being into action. It fuels the engine of creation. It changes concepts to experience…. Never deny passion, for that is to deny Who You Are, and Who You Truly Want To Be.” –Neale Donald Walsch
Wishing you all a peaceful, love-filled, and joyful holidays!! …I’ve been thinking about writing this blog for a long time…excited to share it here with you all!!
So aside from the obvious reason that following your dreams and living your passions makes us, as individuals, happier and more fulfilled, I believe there is a Greater reason why doing so is important…So let’s break down my theory…:)
We are each born with a great, unique potential. All of us have a different call or purpose in this life that cultivates a deep yearning to be fulfilled through physical experience. Imagine…you can know that you want to be a great chef, a wandering traveler, a singer/song-writer, or the proud owner of a business, but until you actually have that experience, there is an inevitable part of you that doesn’t feel complete. Or maybe you don’t quite know what you want, but you know you need to go figure it out. I’ve come to believe that the best thing that we can do for ourselves, our families, and for the world is to hear and follow our hearts and calls. The alternative is living in quiet frustration, haunted by whispers of what ‘could be’ or ‘could have been’. We can attempt to repress these whispers, to push them deeper, but I don’t think they ever truly go away…
But it’s never too late to hear and honor them! Even a small step toward living closer to our truest self makes us feel more alive, more vibrant, more inspired, and closer to the person and potential we know brews within us. Every time we make a choice that moves us in that direction, even slightly, vitality trickles in. We often don’t know what we’re moving toward or even what we really want, but we do know which steps feel like progress and which don’t. Trial and error, forward and back, faster, slower, but eventually closer to what feels right.

Way back in Costa Rica in 2006, it hardly seemed possible that I’d sailed myself there… Photo by Jeff Johnson

A few thousand miles later in 2007, things were starting to feel real and right! Photo by Ryan Hargrave
We tell ourselves a thousand reasons why we should not move towards our dreams and goals: “There’s too much risk!” … “I’m comfortable…” “I don’t want to fail…” “I have a family to support…” I say the risk of regret is much riskier. I say that comfortable is caustic and that the only failure is having never tried. And for the noble householder, I say, what better example, what more important message could you pass along to your children and/or partner, than: ‘Become the greatest You!’, and ‘Live a life you Love!’?? The joy and peace transmitted through this example are worth more than all the material things you could ever provide.
This could seem like a selfish concept at first, as it may not intuitively link to uniting humanity and saving the planet. But wait…I’m getting there…
Doing what we really want to do in life can seem a little selfish, probably because we are taught from youth that sacrificing ourselves for others and doing what society needs us to do is what makes us worthy and admirable (…granted that sometimes there are situations and consequences that demand our responsibility and/or we should always avoid hurting people and use integrity when making decisions!). But in general, our society teaches us that achievements are the things that you can note on your CV or measure in the number of zeros in your salary.
I say achievements are the decisions we make and actions we take to be true to ourselves. I say learning to truly love Oneself is our greatest achievement…and hearing our dreams and calls is a powerful path to getting there. It’s a process, and the road is long and windy, but in my opinion, it’s not money or fame or letters of recommendation that make us admirable. Admirable is each small, humble, and inwardly-celebrated step that we make toward becoming more self-aware, changing habits that don’t serve us and others, and living a life we believe in.
And so, with great courage, we might take a step towards living our version of a more authentic life. Initially, your loved ones might feel betrayed, but with persistent, loving explanations, the people who really love you will understand and want you to seek happiness. Your choosing to do so is a very powerful statement that they can too. As you walk, no matter how slowly, toward each small goal and higher vision of yourself, you give others courage and reason to do the same. This courage is profoundly contagious. And it all starts with a small decision to go within and listen to what you really want out of life.

We can always improve! Putting one’s self in question allows us to see where we can do better…Off for a little soul-searching at this lonely right in Indo on a Patagonia trip. Photo by Jeff Johnson
I don’t think you have to know exactly what you want forevermore. I think the ‘call’ often evolves along the way. One might need to become the richest woman alive in order to know that money doesn’t make her rich. Or compete mercilessly in surf contests in order to one day realize that giving an epic wave to a friend actually feels more like winning.
The first steps are the surely the hardest. But as it does when you choose your hopes and dreams, the universe conspires to move you steadily, often magically along. The steps start getting easier until one day you find yourself striding right along–strong and confident that your feelings, instinct, and innate knowing can be trusted. The unknown hardly seems intimidating anymore. In fact, it starts to become kinda exciting! You wonder what twist in the tale will appear, and know that if you choose to greet your daily angels and teachers with an open, humble heart you will never be led too far astray. With great patience, practice, hard work, stumbles and strides, self-examining and reflection, you move closer to the person and place you so desire to be. You keep listening, you keep doing what you do because you love and believe in it.
Then one day you wake up in your dreams. They have become undeniable reality. It might not be exactly how you had imagined. Maybe it’s even better! You bathe in the glory and greet new adversities with optimism. For each day doing what you love is a gift, no matter how hard or stressful. You learn deep gratitude. You are so thankful that you listened to the voice within you, and cherish those who encouraged and believed in you. You learn to appreciate your life so deeply and wholly that all of a sudden you look around and realize you’ve made a great ascent on your climb to personal peace.

Nothing is more important to peace in the world, than peace in your own heart. Climb to your ‘peak of peace’!
While sitting blissfully atop that ‘Peak of Peace’, a few important things might happen:
- You look down at the steep and hard-trodden road to where you are sitting and see that, in fact, all those misfortunes, failures, difficulties were the means to arriving there! You stop mourning things in your past because you see how they helped you to where you are now. A deep trust is born in the Greatness and Perfection of it All. True Wonder and Awe is awakened at the thought of each of our wildly unique and complex journeys!
- Compassion flourishes. The feeling of deep peace combined with the understanding that the same is possible for every human on earth, creates a longing for others to feel what you feel and desire to help them on their way. The thriving, positive energy feels SO good, that you just want others to thrive, too! Your compassion soon expands out beyond your family and friends to all people and plants and animals too…
- Competition is replaced by a sincere wish to bring others up. Jealousy vanishes, for you now know from experience, that life’s truest riches abide solely in the realm of the internal. Rather than feel threatened or envious of another’s good fortune, you praise and cheer them on, in hopes that that they may one day call out to you from atop their own peak of peace… “Hello dear sister! Hello my brother! How glorious is this view!!?!”
- We begin to truly feel and see the interconnectedness of all of life; that we all come and return to one great Energy, regardless of our form. We see the similarity in the struggles and victories of each living being, regardless of its species, race, or gender. Knowing we are One, we understand that we can only truly rise if we all rise together.
And so I conclude that the more of us who take this journey, and make it to their personal ‘peak of peace’, the better chance we have at creating a happier, healthier, more loving world. So be assured that living your dreams, hearing your call, and pursuing a life of passion and is as powerfully serving to humanity and the Earth as it is to your Self. I believe it is as practical and direct a means to contributing to a better world, right now, as any other.
For how can we possibly hope to feed our hungry, end war, repair our ecological crises, learn respect for all life, and move towards fuller, more satisfying ways of existence if we as individuals are not whole, realized, and peaceful ourselves? I tell you it is just not possible…
So do, be, and live what you love! A better you makes a better me makes a better world, because essentially…We are One.
December 20, 2013what are all those thru-hull fittings for?
steve fletcher
December 20, 2013Thanks Liz! We ARE all of one great heart. What a great Christmas message
Happy New Year
Lost Coast Gypsy
December 20, 2013And Yes Ma’am This Is Why We Love You So……..
Cheers Mate
Lost Coast Gypsy
December 21, 2013And Yes Ma’am This Is Why We Love You So……..
These are essential…..
Cheers Mate
December 21, 2013Just simply spectacular!!!
December 21, 2013Hi Liz,
Thanks for such an inspirational post! I love your blog and follow your adventures regularly. I really admire you in so many ways–for being such a kind person, for following your dreams, and for finding such inner peace. Your writing always brightens my day! Keep it up. =)
Have a wonderful Christmas!
December 23, 2013Great, inspirational post as always!
Merry Christmas from the Joyeux Ohana (in Norway!)
Tom Santaniello
December 24, 2013Liz: Sending you wishes for a very Merry Christmas, and a joyous New Year. May your New Year be filled with as much joy and happiness that you have given us, your daily readers. Wishing you good health, and smooth sailing…..
December 24, 2013Liz,
All I can say is, I have no words! You wrote them! So beautifully put, kindly meant, and wonderfully encouraging. Let alone true! Keep up your good work!
degs bnf
December 26, 2013Hope your holidays are great. Been enjoying your pics and stories quietly. Was glad to see my daughter following your adventures too. Thank you for sharing.
Michael Wilkerson
December 27, 2013You have a unique take on daily life. You may be an old soul. I appreciate you sharing your life, that is a very courageous thing to do. As a strong soul, I love you’re strength. Power to you
December 30, 2013Beautiful.
Mike Schock
December 30, 2013Hi Liz,
Loved your post. I have followed your blog for some time and it has been a source of inspiration for me.
Thanks for sharing.
Dyan deNapoli - The Penguin Lady
January 1, 2014Dear Liz,
I have no idea how you got inside of my head and extracted my every thought…but WOW! This blog post is absolutely spectacular!! I do believe this is one of the best things I have ever read. I am also a huge believer in following your dreams (although I was much older than you when I finally found the courage to do so), and encouraging others to pursue theirs as well. You have so eloquently expressed what I also know to be true, and what I wish for others. I know that your words, and the example of your courageous and wholehearted life, will inspire so many people to reach for their dreams and to live bigger, juicier lives as well. Bravo!! And, Rock On!! ;)
Dyan (AKA – The Penguin Lady)
Captain lizzy
January 10, 2014Dyan!!
Just looked up your site and work and WOW!! I’m so excited that you connected with this piece in such a visceral way!! I’m truly honored. This idea is so important to me and anyone who can verify it adds weight to my side of the ring… Wishing you all the best in your continuation of dream-living and of course penguin saving efforts. I’m in awe and admiration of what you have done. Thank you for choosing to listen to your calling and pursue your great and infinite potential. All love, Light, and gratitude to you… stay inspired!! Liz :)
Live your Dreams, Heal the world: Why doing what you love makes the world better… -
January 13, 2014[…] Check out the article on Liz’s blog:… […]
yacht charter
January 13, 2014Wonderful!!!
Send you our best wishes for 2014 from Greece
Carla Borella
January 15, 2014Liz, thank you so much for your beautiful words. You are such an inspiration.
I’m living the moment of transition and It’s not been easy, but I have that feeling inside that everything is working for the better. Hope to share with you from the Peak of Peace :)
Keep up the good work!
Chris Erskine
January 20, 2014Liz,
Your journey, your words, and courage to be your true self and follow your passions and dreams have inspired so many over the years including myself. It was so inspiring that I wrote the song “Spinning Free” and made a video for you that has been on you tube since last summer. I posted the video as Bryan Hamilton (thats my youtube account name) and noticed a while back that you were trying to contact me. I left a message on you tube video site. Just wanted you to know that you can use video and song however you want. If you want more info about me or song you can e-mail me. I hope you continue to have safe and happy sailing and surfing, and my family and I look forward to reading about all your future adventures. Chris Erskine
Terry Curtiss
February 6, 2014Hi Captain Clark,
I really enjoy your perspective on life. You are an inspiration. I also enjoy the thought of living a simple lifestyle different than what society expects. I also enjoy marine life and would enjoy more photo / video of flora, fauna, mammals, and fish. I would love to see how to videos. How to in the sense of living with nature on a boat with minimal impact on it. Take care and best wishes.
Mac Hillenbrand
February 24, 2014When my daughter was born 7 months ago I wrote her a letter that essentially said the same exact thing you wrote. It’s strange the differences in the journeys people take to arrive at the same perspective. It always makes me so happy to know you’re out there continuing on, arriving at only the best thoughts and then sailing further!
Pete Carlson
November 14, 2014Hi Liz,
Wow! What you are doing is really inspiring. I am an elementary teacher who is passionate about life and passionate about helping my students find their passions. That’s a lot of passion:)
I’d love to share your story with my students.
Thanks for sharing your journey.
Doug Blasius
March 22, 2015First saw your website yesterday….
Where there is will and love, there is a way!
george p
February 1, 2016I couldn’t agree more. Seek out your passions and live by your instincts. It’s truly a privilege to be able to. It took me a while to figure it out and now I can’t believe I didn’t do it earlier. At first I thought I was nuts to disconnect from the life I had, then I realized I’d be even more nuts not to….Keep sharing your unique awareness and insights it does help towards awakening others who only dream into maybe following their passions. Thank you.
May 12, 2016Liz,
I can’t find the words to express how meaningful and Inspired this writing is. You are truly a living example of the Joy, Compassion, and Loving-Kindness that manifest when we live in constant awareness of our innermost Being and our interBeing with all that is. Thank you for this inspiration. Rock on sister!
Chris K
Arizona, USA