Making Yogurt is a …Breeze…
It’s so easy! You need… -1 cup/serving of your favorite store-bought yogurt -½ gallon (2L) milk -Glass jars or preferred storage container(s) Here’s what you do… Since powdered milk is all that’s usually available where I am, I make ½ gallon of milk using hot water and then wait until it cools to just warmer […]
Learning to Live With a Little
After more than 5 months in the atolls, I came to understand a bit more what it’s like to live without all the choices and abundance to which we in the US are accustomed. Life on a circular strip of coral in the middle of the Pacific is not all swaying palms and rosy sunsets. […]
And She’s Off…
I’m off to chase down some waves!! …More updates coming as soon…until then, stay inspired!
2012…A Small Town World?
It’s midnight and the first seconds of 2012 begin. Among the faces of mostly Marquesan strangers, a warm feeling of love for all of them overcomes me…Rounds of kisses and well-wishes…and I wonder why we don’t keep that love faucet open all year long?! …Children turn to silhouettes against white flashes of firecrackers, here and […]
Mr. Avery’s Letter…
Happy Holidays to you!! So, I recently got a letter from a teacher in the UK, asking if I would write a letter to his 14-15 year old students who have been assigned a big project on climate change. He asked me to include a bit about life aboard Swell, about ‘making a difference’ for […]
Your Mother’s Calling…
Even way out here, I rarely feel that ‘far away’ from humanity anymore. Not only is there plenty of plastic as a human reminder on the beaches, but we have so many amazing ways to connect and be involved in each other’s lives without being physically together. This technology certainly makes spending these long stretches […]
Long hours in paradise…
An atoll away from the site of my ‘big cry’, I found a little more reason for hope…Here was an atoll that had been inhabited by a single family for many generations. I spent some time getting to know Gaston and Valentine, 2 of the 5 people that still permanently live there. Working with some […]
Better Must Come
A few days after the Napoleon breakdown, I went to talk at the elementary school in the nearby village, like I’ve been doing at various stops over the last few months. I give a presentation about plastic pollution its effect on marine life and use my sailing trip to help explain where currents and winds […]
The Great Napoleon Breakdown
That same week I spent hanging out with the fishes under Swell, I watched locals return day after day to fish the same spot in the reef. I could see them hauling up Napoleon wrasses. This great wrasse is an instrumental reef species, which can grow to nearly 400 lbs! One of the old men […]
The Coral Question…
I’m back! Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!! :) The swell was running a few days late, leaving me plenty of time to spend with my underwater neighbors. The coral is alive just here below Swell. I made a mooring with a piece of chain wrapped carefully around the bottom of a coral head, […]