Reunited and it feels so Good!! Tropicat is BACK

Reunited after 42 days!!
In case you haven’t heard via IG or FB, Amelia turned up about a week after I posted the blog about ‘letting go’!?! It’s ironic how often when we stop trying to control things, accept, and trust the Universe…beautiful surprises are in store! I was overjoyed to get a phone call from the manager of the bed & breakfast on the islet saying that Tropicat had shown up looking fit and healthy, but thirsty and ready for some love. She’d been on her own for 42 days!?
My experience with the pet psychic was interesting to say the least. I would never have thought to call one, until someone on Instagram suggested it. I did a Google search and found and set up an appointment via skype with Jonquil Williams. I certainly wasn’t sure it would do any good, but 3 weeks after she’d disappeared I was desperate to have any sort of lead or clarity on the situation. Jonquil ‘connected’ easily with Amelia and asked her the questions that I was hoping to have answered. Amelia was apparently alive and well and still on the islet, but just needed some land time. Amelia told Jonquil that she would come to me in a dream when she was ready to come home.
After our ‘session’ I had no Amelia dreams, but I was impatient to see her and camped out multiple times, calling for her and walking all over the island. I left food and clothes and still saw no sign of her. Time went on and I started to doubt Jonquil’s information. On my last search effort, a man on the islet told me that he’d found a tiger striped cat dead. My hopes were dashed and figured it was time to give up. Just a few days later I started having vivid dreams about reuniting with Tropicat for 4 or 5 nights in a row. I decided to schedule a follow up appt via skype with Jonquil and see what she thought.
That very morning of our second appointment, I got the call from the manager of the pension saying they’d found her!? I kept my appointment with Jonquil anyway, hoping she could ask Amelia if she wanted to come home to Swell or stay on the island. Jonquil said Amelia was in high spirits and ready to come home to her ‘best friend’, but she asked Jonquil to tell me that she’s ever ready to go back for another island sabbatical she will let me know by ‘tapping on the porthole with her paw’!?
Overjoyed, I headed for the islet directly that afternoon. When I saw her for the first time again, she came running over and rubbed up on my legs and told me all kinds of meowing stories! I still couldn’t believe I was really seeing her again. The emptiness that I’d felt since she went missing was instantly gone. I still wasn’t sure what to do about bringing her back to the boat, though. I thought maybe she would be better off at the pension where she could happily help catch rats and lead a more normal cat life. But when I went to leave, she followed me all the way out the little dock. I got in the boat then looked at her and asked her if she was sure she wanted to come home. She looked at me for a moment, then casually stepped into the boat…
Since her return, our relationship has changed some. I appreciate her more and take her needs more seriously. I’ve promised her we’ll camp out on land more often, and a friend helped me build a little desk in the forest where I can work on my book and Tropicat can climb trees and chase chickens!! The more freedom I give her, the more she seems to trust me. She still follows me all over the mountains and on beach walks, and if I’m patient and let her do it in her cat-like way, she hops right in the dinghy when it’s time to go home.
So in the end, everything Jonquil had told me was correct! Although everybody laughed at me when I said ‘the pet psychic told me…’, I’m now even more certain that anything is possible and that people can develop their intuitive and clairvoyant powers just like we can learn to surf big waves or climb mountain peaks or learn to hear our own hearts more clearly. Thanks Jonquil for reminding me that it is only our beliefs that limit us!! Anything is possible and True Love always prevails!
And so far so good… no porthole tapping… pheew!! :D :D :D

Amelia saying goodbye to her sabbatical paradise…

She was exhausted for about a week–kitty looking like she just came off a 42 day bender.

Amelia the Tropicat , queen of the forest.

Stretching her legs at sunset…

Building a table so i can work on the book in the forest while kitty climbs trees.

The new office !!

Ultra tired kitty after a long days hike.
Ashley Judd
May 4, 2015I am so glad she is back to you! Prayer of thanks said!
May 5, 2015Great that you reunited…
Never giving up is a great quality!
You guys look related too! :)
May 5, 2015Liz I am a Chinese, I understand that your information on the website. My God, you are my angel. I share your things with my friends. You are the best. I will watch you all the time.
Captain Liz
May 15, 2015THank you, Xiao. Wishing all the best for you. :D liz
Laura Blue
May 5, 2015This makes me VERY happy!!
May 5, 2015Oh! This makes my heart swell (oops, pun not intended)!
Next to me is Poesi, a black feline beauty. We’re on our 17th year together, and I totally get the emptiness you felt and at the same time the acceptance that a cat has a free will. I would never force Poesi to live on the boat with me, and was simply thrilled and grateful when we tried it out and she decided she loved it. A cat is a real mate. So I totally get how you feel. Really happy Amelia went off her bender and came back to you! <3
Sea Jay
May 6, 2015Sweet. : ). That is so awesome!
May 13, 2015hi,liz , read ur story so atracted me , i really wanna join your journey , so if u really wanna a company , maybe i’m a good one to choose..
contact me
May 13, 2015What a wonderful story! So glad you’re reunited!
David Lackey
May 13, 2015Amelia’s and your story just made my day! Life is good, and as it should be now.
May 13, 2015I had to laugh about the paw tapping… Our cat did just that when I was a kid. We had a balcony and she would be out for an hour or so taking some fresh air, and she would tap when she was ready to come in. When she wasn’t and we called her, she would look at us a moment and then turn away and focus again on the birds and the cars. She reached the grand old age of 22. All the best to you both, C
May 13, 2015A book ? Great !
May 18, 2015I just read your post when Amelia is lost and I felt very sad.. then I read this and I am soo happy for you and Amelia. I would be really bummed if it is not happy ending such as this!
May 19, 2015I’m gone to say to my little brother, that he should
also visit this website on regular basis to take updated from
most recent news update.
Annemarie Slee
May 20, 2015Hiya!
Your beautiful story just made my heart sing! Miauw miauw for Tropicat (from Fenix and Willie, black city cats)
Have fun writing, can’t wait to read your book!
Annemarie Slee, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
May 21, 2015I’m so happy for you and Amelia, this is a true lovestory!! <3<3<3
May 25, 2015Hi Liz! I’m a fan of your writing and I have a question for ya. I sailed a bit when I was younger, and I’m thinking of making some big lifestyle changes myself. I study environmental science but I’ve dropped out of school, and I’m looking to buy a boat with money I’ve saved up from bartending. I really need to get some experience working with big sails, and I live in a city with a few big marinas. What kind of work would you recommend to start out with if I want to eventually sail alone? Is it very difficult to get that kind of experience as a lowly crew? I have some friends I can practice with, but I’d like to get some full-time work getting some longer trips with bigger sails. Thanks :)
May 27, 2015Yay! I can’t tell you how happy I am to hear that Amelia’s back. Makes my heart swell. And awesome story about the pet psychic. Why the hell not?! Whatever works.
June 5, 2015bonjour liz, ca va? i see your recruitment, and i believe we would meet in some where else, so i come to introduce myself first, incase we see each other we can recognize each other, im ez cheng, an artist from hk, my dream is traveling the偉大航道,and im traveling the world, recruit them face to face, if we both feel it meant to be, let sail together some day then, what you think?
June 15, 2015hi,lzi,I am a Chinese, I heard you are looking for a partner, I can join?
杰 张
June 15, 2015hi,lzi,I am from China, I heard you are looking for a partner, I can join?
June 26, 2015im so happy you guys are together again :)
June 26, 2015That is amazing, Liz! Wow! Thank you for sharing such a cool story. And I can’t wait for your book to be finished! All of your adventures are so interesting, and you’re an inspiration to me! I’m so glad Amelia and you have been reunited! :)
Wishing you the best in all of your current and future endeavors!
June 27, 2015Loved reading this follow up. The bond between human and cat can be one of the most awesome friendship bonds there is. So happy you are re-united!
July 29, 2015Very cool cat that Tropicat. Great adventure.Does Tropicat have a harness for rough weather. Regards Ted (NZ)
August 6, 2015Swell blog, subscribe me please
August 13, 2015Lol, one minute I’m in tears after reading your story on losing her and now happy to hear Amelia is back home. What an awesome kitty you have! You share a beautiful bond with her.
jean hardy
August 14, 2015Hi Liz, this gives me hope for my dog who has been on a journey for 10 months. Thom at animalhealings has been incredibly helpful during this time. I sense that your Tropicat is as fierce and independent as my Harrydoo – and has needed an extended period of time of independence and hunting and survival all on his own terms. I’m praying that my allowing for his need of great adventure will bring him back to me someday.
Thanks for sharing the story.
Captain Liz
September 2, 2015Oh Jean, i’m so sorry. i know well what you’re feeling and i wish i could hug you. I’m so glad you have Thom’s help through this, it sounds like you have the best attitude possible and i’m sure Harrydoo will find his way back to you. Much love and courage to you in this tough time, Liz
September 5, 2015hi ,lizz , haven’t seen u for a long time , yet i’m still here waiting for your back ,
too many information
way little more excited things
i feel my life so sucked than yours ,.. although i stiil carry on hiking and riding outside my hometown — hohhont ,innermonglia,China ,
this is some kind of homepage of one of a communication website which always used recently , so ,…please contact me as soon as u seen my reply , i ‘ve never found a better life for the rest of my life accompany with you and ur daring cat & boat ,….
ps ,… i really like ur shape of face ~~ i’m david found my shape and my photograph on the site below, or upside ,
so so require ur reply ,… please reply as soon as possible .
September 5, 2015*xfK8xihzaP6EA71*84VWZ*sJAQWxBt99xV4_ so, i’m really sorry , this is the website of tencent communication web in China , very popular , as face book and twitter ,… i don’t care that much , i only care with ur adventures , hehe ~ reply me !
September 5, 2015you could also add me as friend at QQ 52713477 , it is my account number of this communicate website , because my photo gallery have put in this website , so i give ur this account ,… tencent is the biggest social website in here ,..
miss ur story and the views
i could tell you ,… at some moment , when i hikeing around the country side sometimes ur adventure picture could just
show on my mind .. expect reply
Gina Illescas
September 28, 2015I love this story! I´m glad she is fine.
Sylvia Lobo
October 6, 2015Hey Captain Liz,
They say once the bond is formed between human and animal its unbreakable. you and Amelia have that unique bond. I am glad you have her beside you.
Be safe out there. Still love your courage!!!
Ferol Thompson
October 8, 2015Captain Liz,
So enamoured am I in your story, I will continue to read your blogs when you post them.
In love with Amelia, especially as she is a calico, and a wanderer after my own heart. Of course I am a cat lover first, then a dog lover of any breed.
Retired now, I agree it is never too late to chase your dreams but kudos to you my dear for taking on the challenge, while you are young enough to thoroughly enjoy your experiences, to the fullest. Teaching the younger generation about our environmental concerns is important. Too bad my generation picked up on it later in life when so much damage has already been done. I am not quite an official senior yet but although I live in the mid Ontario region of Canada, I do spend a respectful amount of time during the winter in Florida, enjoying a slower, ans simpler lifestyle. We so enjoy walks along the beach or hiking along trails, visiting manatee protected areas and watching wildlife at our back door.
I am looking forward to more of your photos, which are stunning! And reading your blogs. Some writings I would like to see would contain your self awareness conclusions and conditions you found in different areas of our diverse world, culturally and geographically. I may not be able to travel the way you do but could do it through your eyes
Looking forward to more and willing to pray for your health and vitality.
October 8, 2015Captain Liz,
So enamoured am I in your story, I will continue to read your blogs when you post them.
In love with Amelia, especially as she is a calico, and a wanderer after my own heart. Of course I am a cat lover first, then a dog lover of any breed.
Retired now, I agree it is never too late to chase your dreams but kudos to you my dear for taking on the challenge, while you are young enough to thoroughly enjoy your experiences, to the fullest. Teaching the younger generation about our environmental concerns is important. Too bad my generation picked up on it later in life when so much damage has already been done. I am not quite an official senior yet but although I live in the mid Ontario region of Canada, I do spend a respectful amount of time during the winter in Florida, enjoying a slower, ans simpler lifestyle. We so enjoy walks along the beach or hiking along trails, visiting manatee protected areas and watching wildlife at our back door.
I am looking forward to more of your photos, which are stunning! And reading your blogs. Some writings I would like to see would contain your self awareness conclusions and conditions you found in different areas of our diverse world, culturally and geographically. I may not be able to travel the way you do but could do it through your eyes
Looking forward to more and willing to pray for your health and vitality.
Ferol Jane
Captain Liz
November 10, 2015Thanks Ferol! I’m so happy you are following along!! Amelia sends her regards. As soon as i finish book writing i will be back to my first love, blog writing!! be well. Liz
Sophia Harcourt
December 4, 2015I just found you from a Collective Evolution FB post. I can’t wait to read about your adventures. So glad Tropicat is back. I would be heartbroken if mine took off without a trace.
December 16, 2015Hi Captain Liz,
I just stumbled into this blog by chance and chance again made me read this post. What spurred me into writing this comment is the resemblance of Tropicat’s adventure with that of my feline brother, Ronnie. I work as a skipper in Greece with my 41 clipper and some years ago I decided to take my family on a weekly trip. Goes without saying that Ronnie came with us, even though he’s never been really excited about water. He never wandered too far in the ports but one day he decided not to come back. The next day my family had to leave for Italy, where they live, and unfortunately Ronnie didn’t show up so we left the island without him. They all left with tears in their eyes as it would have been most unlikely to find him again.
One week later I managed to convince my clients to spend the night in the very same island. Needless to say that I spent the whole night searching him but without success. Being a dreamer as I am I decided not to surrender and after I disembarked my clients I decided to stop again on that island, in spite of the fact that I would have to backtrack and that I was in a hurry since I had to do a 26 hour trip in order to studio my boat for winter maintenance. And then he came back, at midnight, on my last desperate stroll before going to bed, in a god-forsaken alley located close to a road that not even the locals take. We sailed back together, we docked the boat together and we took the ferry to Italy together, after travelling for two hours on my motorbike, the only land vehicle that I possess, together. We’ve been hardly seeing each other during the last year, but every time I get back home and we stare at each others eyes we know that our bond goes beyond distance, beyond species and beyond death.
Thank you for reminding me of that precious moment, it’s one of the few times I had tears in my eyes and I can sleep at peace dreaming of the child Lorenzo playing with the kitten Ronnie.
Amelia and you will be my honored guest if the wind will ever bring you to Greece.
(Sorry for the long post, I got carried away)
Michel Ernemann
April 27, 2016Hi Captain Lizz,
I’m happy that you are reunited with you fury friend Amelia. Please send us more pic’s from her and give us news from your fantastic trip. I enjoy reading your blogs. I must say that I have also a fantastic connections with my cats.
Please continue to teach the youngest how to respect Mother Earth and to consider the enviromental concerns. Our planet is urgently in need of help. Destruction must stop.
Warm regards.
Ellen Pilch
April 29, 2016I just learned about you from Brian’s Home blog. I love cats, I have 13. I am so glad you and your kitty were reunited.
Cat Sailing Around The World with Captain Liz Clark [Pictures] – Kstati
April 30, 2016[…] cat as a 6 month old kitten in November of 2013 and she has been sailing ever since, minus a brief disappearance at the beginning of last […]
May 2, 2016Take good care of Tropicat you are ment to be together…cats are known throughout history to be good luck on a boat. Does she have a harness and small life jacket incase of rough weather??? I am a cat lover I have 13 rescued cats at home that I take very good care of… Do not ever leave her behind she is ment to be with you forever…she loves you!
By the way I’m french canadian and wish you the best in your travels and your book.
Take care of yourself and tropicat. I have travelled myself to 16 countries so far and still more to do.
teri mandel
May 8, 2016Just caught your blog… my interest is your cat and her incredible sense of trust and adventure with you! I have a similar personality in my all white cat rescue from horrible humans. He too follows me everywhere walking, hiking and i am considering camping and kayaking. I cannot imagine your adventures would be as spiritually fulfilling if you did not have your co-pilot to share them with. So glad you got her back and may she stay with you always. Safe and amazing travels to both of you!
This Woman Sails Around the World With Her Tropicat - WanderLuxe
May 12, 2016[…] loves it! Amelia once went missing for the 42 days. Liz writes on her blog, in a post about being reunited with Amelia: “I still wasn’t sure what to do about bringing her back to the boat, though. I thought […]
May 15, 2016Boy, Liz, reading your recent posts feels like coming home… I’m a sailor far from the sea, but I’m where I need to be as I’m a bit too weak and frail from longstanding CRPS to manage aboard. I’m a writer documenting hope against all odds. I’m currently catless, after 4 extraordinary little fuzzbutts took turns keeping me going through the impossible for most of my 50 years. I’m hoping, now that I don’t have to fight quite so hard to stay alive, that I’ll be adopted again by another unique little bundle of love and ferocity, tenderness and propriety, goofiness and grace.
Meanwhile, reading about your adventures and the exquisite love, liberty, and care between you and Amelia, well, it doesn’t get me aboard or felified, but it eases the ache and really makes me smile :)
Thank you so much for sharing. This blog is a boon!
I’m sure you don’t have enough to read (– ducks and runs off giggling –) .. I’m at, and was living aboard until May 2012. I took out the posts about running for my life but it’s still good fun. :)
sandy mazurek
May 18, 2016I read your blog on ‘letting go’ and I had tears in my eyes. Then I read where Tropicat came back. Checked the dates of the posts and she was back. So, so glad. I have two cats of my own and love them dearly.
May 24, 2016I only just found and started reading your blog. I am so happy she came back and you were both reunited. My cat is very much a free spirit and we lived in a camper van for a little while..she loved the road and the views. I couldn’t imagine being separated from her that long!
May 25, 2016Hi Captain Liz, I didn’t know Amelia had disappeared but I’m so happy you’re togheter again!
It’s a moving story of friendship. Hope you both fell fine and wish you a pleasant journey ’round the world.
Cheers from Italy
Liz Clark Quits Her Job And Sails Around The World With Her Rescue Cat (Image Gallery) | Viral Women
May 31, 2016[…] her blog, Clark recalls how she lost her furry friend once in an island stop over and how she found her 42 […]
Genevon Hinseth
June 7, 2016I have just read about you through I am so excited for both of you! I was in the Navy and when I was out on the USNS Dutton, it was the highlight of my life! I love the ocean and wrote several poems about my love for the ocean and one about my love for my shipmates on the Dutton. May God give you smooth sailing for as long as you and your co-captain take to the wind and waves!
June 14, 2016Hello,
I shared your video with a fellow cat lover and they brought up a good point I hadn’t thought about… Your cat isn’t wearing a life vest in the video. Do you have one for her? What would happen if she fell off the boat when you were sailing?
I hadn’t thought much about it until then, but thought I’d ask…
Maria C
June 25, 2016Just posted and asked if Amelia came back so was very happy to read this. I am a cat person and I can tell you that looking at the photos, she is very happy. Please keep her safe and with you