‘Stuck’ in Paradise

I didn't mind being 'stuck' here for a while…
“Lose yourself and find the key to paradise…” –Jimmy Buffett
Cyclone season was soon upon us, so I relaxed into knowing we were too north for cyclones and shouldn’t be heading anywhere south or west for a while. We came upon a bay with a long righthander and a hollower left. There was a vacant copra platform perfect for yoga, a shower spigot by the quay with potable water, mountains to roam, a waterfall cascading into the sea, and hardly anyone around. We surfed and bodysurfed and longboarded. We fished in the nearby waters, jumped off the rock cliffs, and made fast friends with the local kids. Raiarii went off hunting for wild pig and goat with local hunters, while I enjoyed mornings in the galley after a surf, making fresh juices, jams, homemade granola, sprouts, yogurt, bread, or baked goodies (we finally got the part for the oven!) We’d often build a fire to cook over and watch the goat family descend from the hills to graze by the sea in the late afternoon. Grateful to stumble upon this heavenly paradise, I felt whole and peaceful and fortified by nature’s endless blessings. We rigged a hammock on the bow from an old piece of sail. I’d lie there after dinner, dazed by the zillion tiny lights moving slowly across the night sky.
Algae grew thick on the anchor lines, and soon Swell had adopted a little ocean ecosystem in the shade of her underbody. Mini shrimps, crabs, algae, hatchling fishes, a seahorse, turning bait balls, passing tuna schools, and a roaming manta ray family made us feel warmly received in our exceptional temporary home.

…my yoga palace (copra stoage)…shower down by the rocks on the left…

My best beach buddies, Mo'u and Mohina.

We'd conserve cooking gas and hang out in the dirt. The smell of fire, breaking wood, cooking in the open air…so good for the soul! Blight even taught us how to start a fire without matches!

When we couldn't eat all the fruit we found or were given, I'd make fresh juices or homemade jams.

Morning swim with a resident manta.
Jenny Kuperman
June 18, 2012Liz, thanks for painting a beautiful picture with your words, like a breath of fresh salty air filling my sails, I mean, lungs !
john ridgeway
June 18, 2012Lizzy! You are amazing. I met you just after you started your voyage. You and a girlfriend were surfing a place called The Cove in Punta de Mita. I paddled in and we surfed, chatted about our college, UCSB, then went our separate ways. I went home to San Clemente, and we all know what you have been doing. I finally returned to Punta de Mita and I will be surfing The Cove tomorrow. I will be talking about the legend of Lizzy in the line up. It was cool to meet you, and especially cool to see your post tonight. Best of luck, John
Robert Hauser
June 21, 2012Young lady you should “SO” proud of yourself!! I’ve been following you for that last three years!! and there’s not a day that goes by that I wish I could do what you’ve been doing. I would love to see your slid show but we’re in our busy season now, but we’re just two years away from getting lost in paradise! If you’re ever on the Oregon Coast (Depoe Bay) look us up. Take care, and thank you again for sharing!
Mary & Bob
Robert Hauser
June 21, 2012Liz, you should be so proud of yourself and I’m sure your parents are. We’ve been following you for the last three years. My wife and I hope to start our adventures in two more years, after running our bed & breakfast for the last nine years you said it!1 ( getting lost in paradise). Thank you so much for sharing your life, and if you’re ever on the Oregon Coast (Depoe Bay) our door is open!
Take Care,
Mary & Bo