You’re my hero, Roz!

The hero herself…
Roz Savage, 43-year old ocean rower and eco-campaigner is my hero. She recently completed rowing the Indian Ocean, making that the third ocean she rowed across over the last few years–Atlantic, Pacific, and now the Indian! All to raise awareness about the impending environmental crisis we face as humans…
I followed her crossing as much as possible throughout my own adventure, floored by her dedication to her cause–Planet Earth–and her ability to blog so consistently and intelligently while in a rowboat on the open sea!
Here’s what she said in Maritius, after more than 5 million oar strokes across 3 oceans:
“On the ocean, it’s clear that I have to keep showing up day after day and sticking my oars in the water if I want to get to where I’m going. It’s the same with any big challenge, including the environment. We all have to start living more sustainably, and keep up those good habits day after day, if we are to correct our course for a cleaner, greener, brighter future.” –Roz Savage
Huge congrats to you, Roz! We all owe you sincere thanks for sticking up for Planet Earth! May we all start making are own sorts of ‘oar strokes’ for the Earth along with you…

Next time you're in Target, ask yourself…do I really need this plastic thingy?
1 Comment
October 23, 2011Hi Liz,
I applaud your work on environmental issues and I thought you may be interested in watching the presentation of Gynne Dyer, a Canadian journalist who has written a book called “Climate Wars”. This presentation was given at an energy conservation forum hosted by our provincial power utility (BC Hydro) here in British Columbia
Mr. Dyer speaks to the urgency of making changes to save our climate. I hope you find it interesting and perhaps link it to your site or twitter page.
Click on “Keynote Address” if you wish to skip the BC Hydro intro.
Wayne Meger