Happiness and the pursuit of passion?

The whole fam with with Jimmy Buffett before his show in Irvine, 10/21/10…What a role model for pursuing his passion!? Thank you, JB! The show was OUTTA this world!!
It seems clear to me that there is a direct ratio between happiness and the amount of time we spend pursuing our passions. Following my surge of inspiration to follow my heart, I noticed the people RIGHT around me who were putting themselves nearer to their passions, making a difference in their own lives, and in turn, bettering their communities and the world…
I didn’t have to look far…Each of my family members have their hands in something that they are passionate about: My father continues to work relentlessly at bringing the most advanced drug and bio-informatics technology to cancer patients right in their community treatment settings–a vision and labor of his blood, sweat, and tears, 15 or more years in the making. Intervention Insights is the result of his tireless determination and belief that their is a better way to treat, cure, and improve the lives of cancer patients RIGHT NOW. Truly incredible, Dad! My mother, too, volunteers at an organization called Voices for Children that ensures that abused, neglected and abandoned children who have become dependents of the San Diego County Court have a safe and permanent home. My brother and his wife, who left their corporate jobs back in March, have just returned after over 16,000 miles of exploring around the US–living, looking for, and learning about their passions. In discovering his passion for simple, inexpensive ways to be more fit, my brother started a blog called Fit Simple: http://fitsimple.wordpress.com. And my nearest and dearest eco-conspirer, my sister Kathleen, is digging in at the Point Loma Native Plant Reserve where she plants, tends, and spreads the word about why we should be re-introducing and cherishing Southern California’s native plant species in our local backyards. Yeah fam!
My family’s biggest hero for pursuing his passions, the musical legend, Jimmy Buffett, invited us up to check out his show in Irvine. What an amazing time it was!! After grooving to his positive vibrations all evening, I felt that my hypothesis was confirmed…:)
Brett Anderson
November 2, 2010Great post Liz! Glad to be reading your stuff again after your temporary absence.
November 3, 2010WOW, I can see where you get your inspiration, your family sounds amazing!
November 28, 2010Couldn’t agree more Liz! You are a great inspiration.