Small Things with Great LOVE

Sometimes we must let go and trust…
I’ll be back in the States through September!!…I DO regret the carbon cost in jet fuel it took to get here. So in the meantime, I’ll try to offset it a bit by sharing with you a few of my favorite organizations that are working hard to make the world a better place for all of us… I thank those putting energy into causes they believe in. Sometimes the world’s problems seem too overwhelming…I don’t even know where to start!!?!?! Until I learn to focus, i keep these words close at heart. :)
“We cannot all do great things, but we can do small things with great love.”–Mother Teresa wants you to knw why 350 is the most important number in the world…it’s what scientists say is the safe upper limit for carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and is working to raise global awareness about climate change and carbon levels and what we can do about it… Algalita Marine Research Foundation–An organization dedicated to researching and making us aware of the impact of plastic in our oceans. Surfers for Cetaceans–A human voice for and defender of cetaceans worldwide… Save Ous Seas–Hawaii-based organization where fish huggers and fish hunters unite…what a miracle! Save the Waves Coalition–Protecting surf breaks and fighting for our oceans worldwide. Reef Check is am incredible network of divers and scientists around the world turning their passion for the reefs into a way to preserve, protect, and monitor them. Roz Savage is rowing around the world…seriously. An amazing woman and eco-hero! SurfAid International is an organization dedicated to the alleviation of human suffering through community-based health programs. What we surfers forget sometimes is that we are out playing in the sea while most of the world struggles to make it though each day… A movement for tribal peoples. Save culture. Save diversity. Learn from and cherish the peoples who remember how to live in balance with our environment. Businesses that give 1% of their profits to causes for the Earth, giving opens the door to receiving!!
And when the doom and gloom gets to you…sing along with this guy and you’ll surely feel better!
Also, please send suggestions of other groups doing good things I should know about, good quotes, or good You Tube videos that I should see on while in the land of information!
Todd Siefert
August 26, 2010Be the change you wish to see in the world –Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
August 26, 2010Liz,
I only want to add that in my experience a conspiracy of small things done with great love changes the world.
Thanks for the listing of your favorite sites. Mine include the following: (on plastics in our oceans) (widely know and gaining strength and purpose every day) (powerful voice for animals and their wild environments) (researching and reporting on the health of our oceans)
Home is where we find ourselves; welcome home to the States.
August 26, 2010such a fan of yours since seeing Dear & Yonder :)
check out this video on plastic bags; it’s pretty well done:
November 3, 2010great video! come one everybody, bring your own bags!!!!!
August 26, 2010Liz-
Been following your story since you left CA. Love your updates and admire your courage. Keep it up!
The groups you’ve listed are wonderful but you really need to check out Surfrider Foundation. For a surfer/sailor/beach lover they are THE group for you. A grassroots organization relying on the activism of locals in 73 domestic chapters and 13 international locations. All of them working to protect oceans, waves and beaches. Give ’em a look at And be sure to friend them on Facebook while you’re at it!
Clear skies, strong winds and calm seas…..
Enjoy your break.
October 11, 2010of course the Surfrider foundation!!! sorry everybody!! –Liz :)
Todd Hansen
August 30, 2010Liz.
This is off subject but what happened to the photos you had been posting of your trip. It nice to see places that you were at and things that you were doing. It helped with the long days in the office and not on the water.
August 31, 2010 … Kinda remniscent of life aboard and oh so adorable!
September 5, 2010Welcome back Captain Liz!
I would second the suggestion of, great group of folks.
September 6, 2010Liz –
I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your postings – inspiring on multiple levels.
I am keeping a similar record of my sail trip. I went north instead of south – though – I’m just returning from Alaska in my 30 foot Newport sailboat – The trip has been breathtaking – rainy but wild!
Best of luck with your boat fixes. We just blew out our main sail tackle in a gale yesterday – so we will be re-fitting at sea.
so it goes –
take care,
Robert Carson
September 15, 2010I hope all is well. Looking forward to a U.S. post to let us in on how the trip is going. Best of wishes.
Robert Carson
September 15, 2010could someone please let Liz in on the fact that she is loved and yes we are pathetically so…
Stephanie DeVisser
September 16, 2010Liz-
I was reading the other day and came across this,
Alma 37:6
. . .I say unto you, that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass; and small means in many instances doth confound the wise.
October 20, 2010thank you Stephanie! this is beautiful…
Robert Carson
September 24, 2010The day after my birthday. I recall it well, it was a good day. A day of days as matter of fact. HEre we are a month later, still no word from LIzzy. CAn she be enjoying her visit to the states so much that her faithful fans of swell’s adventures must wait until she sets sail for another mention of fare. I for one am suffering. I almost looked up another one of the links. I just cant read them fast enough and get past the loading pic of the frightening man singing before im reminded of doom. i will wait .
October 11, 2010Hi everybody!! so sorry to keep you waiting…I found out a few days before I was set to leave that the immigration in Tahiti wouldn’t allow me back into the country until early Nov…a bit complicated, explain more soon!! –Liz