‘Dear & Yonder’ Capt Lizzy section released… 8 minutes from life on Swell
In the midst of running around So Cal–seeing friends and family and gathering supplies for this year’s sea-bound adventures, I got word from Dear & Yonder surf film creators Tiffany Campbell and Andria Lessler, that I could release my section of the film for public viewing!! Dear & Yonder “Daring Stories of Ladies United by […]
Carissa and Bethany Charge Teahupo’o
I heard a voice outside calling my name, and popped up to see Raimana and Tim and Eric in the familiar orange poti marara. “How’s it going? Are you safe? Everything okay?” Raimana asked. I filled them in briefly on the boatyard complications and promised to see them in the lineup in the coming days… […]