‘Dear & Yonder’ Capt Lizzy section released… 8 minutes from life on Swell
In the midst of running around So Cal–seeing friends and family and gathering supplies for this year’s sea-bound adventures, I got word from Dear & Yonder surf film creators Tiffany Campbell and Andria Lessler, that I could release my section of the film for public viewing!! Dear & Yonder “Daring Stories of Ladies United by […]
Gallivanting the globe sans Swell:2
I flew back to San Diego for less than 24 hours to slam together a slide show for the Dear and Yonder Ventura Patagonia Premiere and I’m headed north on the I-5 en route to Ventura: nervous and sleep-deprived, hands slippery with sweat on the steering wheel: “Just picture them all in downward dog…” a […]
Rewind…Gallivanting the globe, sans Swell: 1
After my bout with dengue fever mid-June, only a few days remained to get Swell out of the water and sorted before the once a week flight to Hawaii for one of my oldest friend, Nicole’s, wedding. Due to the leak in the hull, I couldn’t leave the boat in the water while I was […]